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Rydyn ni'n dangos byd o bosibiliadau mawr a bach i ferched o 4 i 18 oed. Un lle gall pob merch chwerthin a dysgu a bod yn hi ei hun.

Girlguiding yw'r hyn y mae pob merch eisiau iddo fod. Efallai mai dyma'r wefr o wneud rhywbeth am y tro cyntaf. Caneuon o amgylch tân gwersyll. Y wefr o gael bathodyn newydd. Dod adref wedi blino'n lân ac yn llawn straeon.

Mae'n ofod lle gall hi fod yn hi ei hun, bod yn greadigol, archwilio, ac yn bennaf oll gael hwyl.

To ensure maximum age-appropriate fun, we split our young members into sections;


  • Rainbows for ages 4-7


  • Brownies for ages 7-10


  • Guides for ages 10-14


  • Rangers for ages 14-18


Within these sections, girls have the opportunity to learn a range of skills and earn a myriad of badges. They may go on an adventure or two or even get the opportunity to travel the world!


Our Peer-Education programme and specialist resources support girls each year to talk about subjects like eating disorders, binge drinking and sexual health. Our projects also educate girls about sensitive issues affecting their peers around the world like violence against women, street children and girl's education.


Members aged 18+ become volunteers, helping us to bring guiding to the next generation. Our volunteers help to create a fun and safe space for our young members to grow and develop, a place where they can be themselves. 


Adult members however do much more than that. From running units to traveling the world, there are a range of opportunities for those aged 18+ to find the right role for them. Many adult members also chose to join our 18+ section  - Trefoil. 

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Mae Rainbows yn croesawu pob merch o 4 i 7 oed i chwarae, dysgu a llawer o hwyl mewn man lliwgar a diogel.

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Mae'r Brownis yn croesawu merched rhwng 7 a 10 oed i gael hwyl, dysgu ac antur di-stop.

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Mae Guides yn ofod hamddenol, croesawgar lle gallwch chi gael hwyl, dysgu a bod yn chi'ch hun gyda ffrindiau da o 10 i 14 oed.

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Ceidwaid yw eich gofod chi - lle rydych chi'n dod ynghyd â merched eraill rhwng 14 a 18 i gael hwyl, dysgu mwy, rhoi yn ôl, cymdeithasu, a bod yn chi.

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Mae Urdd Trefoil yn rhan o deulu Girlguiding, gan helpu i ddod â'r teimlad o Girlguiding i'r gymuned ehangach. Mae aelodau Girlguiding dros 18 oed yn gymwys i ymuno.

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Gwirfoddolwyr yn gwneud i Girlguiding Sir Gaerfyrddin weithio. O redeg unedau i warchod cyllid.

Rydyn ni'n darparu'r hwyl wrth gael hwyl.

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Rydyn ni'n helpu pob merch i wybod y gallan nhw wneud unrhyw beth!

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